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May God Bless you and your

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Who knows what gift is best? Our parents!

The verse is from the Bible... and the lesson is from the great Charles Stanley. He says it so well~ please read!

Who knows a child better than his parent? From the time a baby is delivered, its mother and father know more than anyone else what will make the child content, sad, frightened, or excited. They recognize not only the youngster’s preferences but also his needs. And for that reason, parents usually know how to select the most appropriate gifts for their son or daughter.
How much more does our Heavenly Father understand us! He didn’t have to learn about us the way earthly parents do. As our Creator, who “wove” each of us when we were still in the womb (Psalm 139:13), He knows us better than even our family.
That means He is perfectly aware, not just of our likes, dislikes, abilities, and struggles, but especially of our needs. So when it comes to gifts, doesn’t it make sense that God is the best Giver?
God knew our greatest need would be a solution to our sin problem, because sin separates us from Him. So He designed the perfect plan, which is also the perfect gift: He determined to send His sinless Son Jesus as the payment for your sin-debt and mine. The One we see as a baby in the manger is fully God, who came to earth with a purpose – to die so that you and I could have forgiveness of our sins, and that by believing, we might have the greatest gift of all: eternal life.
Your best Christmas present is not wrapped up and placed under the tree; it is the One whose birthday we celebrate. “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15)
Question: What gift of wisdom and faith would you like to pass on to a friend or family member this year? How can you seek to do so?
About the Author: Charles Stanley

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