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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Joseph... a normal guy.... or was he?

The strength of what we believe is measured by how much we are willing to suffer for those beliefs. Joseph had strong beliefs. He did what was right....despite the pain and he did it the right way! God's way!

Can you imagine being Joseph and your fiancee comes up to you with the news she is pregnant... and you are positive it isn't your child? How would you react?  I am sure he was angry and hurt. It would be hard to believe her story... that an angel came and it was God's child. What a whopper! But he had to be confused because he knew Mary's character. He decided to break the engagement but he was not going to expose Mary to public disgrace. He would do it secretly. He still wanted to protect her.  But an angel appears again to confirm Mary's story.  Guess you would believe now, huh?

Joseph obeyed God and married Mary. He also honored her virginity until after Jesus was born. Joseph was a man of integrity with strong beliefs. God knew this when He chose Mary and Joseph. Can you imagine being responsible for Jesus' upbringing? wow. I am sure he loved and nurtured the child with great passion and care.

We do not know much about Joseph after Jesus was 12. He taught the family trade of carpentry and was a spiritual leader honoring the Passover each year.

We can learn alot from the man, Joseph. Besides his integrity and beliefs, he was a man sensitive to God's will no matter what the consequence.  When we are obedient we are blessed, honored, and receive continued guidance from God.  Also... others probably didn't agree with his decision to wed Mary, but we must choose to obey God rather than seek the approval of others. Always, always, always seek God's approval first! You will be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. LOVED this post. I always am in awe of this man and his response to all that he was faced with in that situation. He was an honorable man. I wonder if he ever stepped back and looked at all that was going on, and wondered how God had handpicked him.... The human man to raise and teach the Son of God...wow...A Carpenter...
    The whole story of the Nativity is amazing.
    Hugs to you Joyce.
