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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Did you leave Him in his bed?

When Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, they could not find a place to stay. The Bible mentions a manger... which is the basis for the traditional belief that Jesus was born in a stable. Stables were often caves carved into rock walls. These surroundings were dark and dirty and not the place Jews expected their promised Messiah to be born. We should not limit God by our expectations. He controls history. He is at work wherever He is needed in our sin-darkened and dirty world.

Our first image of Jesus is as a baby in a manger. I can't be our last. We can't leave Him there. This amazing, tiny helpless baby lived an amazing life... died for us...

and ascended to Heaven ... and He will come back to this earth as the King of kings and Lord of lords!!!!

This baby will come and rule the world and judge all the people according to what their decision about Him was. Is your Jesus still in a manger bed? Or is He the Lord of your life?  You will be judged on this decision. We all will be. Make sure you don't underestimate Jesus. Let Him grow up in your life and live in your heart!!!
The choice can be only yours

1 comment:

  1. Love it. And I like your statement that we can not limit God to our expectations....I have found that God distinctly does things upside down from the world's ways...He loves to use the underdog. He loves to defy the odds. His ways are NOT our ways...(I believe that!!!) and HIs thoughts are higher than our thoughts....I am knowing that. Yes My Lord is out of the Manger. ..Off of the cross and reigning in the Homeland and we just have to wait until He comes back to get us all....and I believe!!! Hugs to you and thanks for the thought provoking devo!
