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May God Bless you and your

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Trust isn't easy, is it?

Trust is easy when things are going well, right? When our jobs, and finances are secure, when our health is good, when relationships are smooth, when your kids are good, all these times... trusting is a breeze.  But what happens when any one of these elements takes a serious knock? Can you still trust God when you don't know how your bills will be paid, when you face a serious health problem to you or a loved one? If you truly know and believe God is your Rock will give you peace. It can only come from going through the trials of life. When things are smooth... you don't need that rock.

When (not if) you face crisis'.... trust God to see you through. Believe He is walking beside you.. at times even carrying you... remember He can see what is ahead! Hold on to Him! Let Him be your Rock!

1 comment:

  1. Joyce,

    what a fantastic devotional to carry out today. I think this is why people don't have TRUE joy in their lives even when things are going smoothly. We Westerners just want life to be the American Dream where all is well, we are relatively comfortable, and don't have any major roadbumps to mess up our routine. It is a part of our culture...And even as Christians in this culture...as a whole, so many people don't really KNOW God. They don't study about Him simply by reading all the stories in HIS Word that He purposely put there for us to see what HE is like. How He loves, How he works in lives, what His purposes are for His people on earth.
    So when something bad hits, we run to Him saying help me out of this, help me get through this. help help help. He is more like a lifeline to rescue than an anchor to hold us tight in the storms. If we really knew what God is, WHO He is, and had all our trust in that knowledge, (not brain knowledge, heart knowledge...You know what I mean) we would not sway so much, and be tossed about, because we would KNOW, even in the storms, that God is right there with us, not away unaware of what is going on. Thanks for the thought provoking devo today. Have a great weekend sweet bloggy sister! HUGS
