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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Forget what is behind!!!!

"Not that I've already arrived!" says the apostle Paul. Kind of a relief that we're not the only ones, huh?
Then Paul says this verse "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Even with all his imperfections and weaknesses... Paul has only one thing in mind.

It is important that he said "Forgetting what is behind"!  Why do we struggle with it? We're all little amateur psychologists these days... trying to remember and figure out our pasts...why our parents did this or didn't do that... all trying to figure out our little quirks and demons. We can't drive forward if we are focused on the rear view mirror!

The Bible tells us we're sinners and then says to get on with it, to look up and to move forward!!!! \
The same as Paul we need to strain toward what is ahead and fix our attention on it..... all of God's promises, all our inheritance, and the goal, the prize... Jesus Himself!

There is only "one-thing"!!!! Focus! Concentrate! Press on and up! The prize is so worth it!

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