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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who do you love?

The original message - love one another. The enduring message - love one another. The most convicting message - love one another. The most difficult message - love one another. 

Why is it so easy to love others.... yet so difficult?  Besides salvation I think this is the biggest theme in the Bible.  

It is easy to love a baby! As shown in the picture....Dylan loved his little sister when she was born. It was easy for him! He still loves her ... very much. But I don't think he likes how she acts at times. I guess we are all that way with the people in our lives.  They hurt our feelings. They disappoint us the way they behave or with the choices they make. Sometimes they make us downright angry!!!!  Those are the times it seems hard to love them.  But we need to keep it in perspective.  We still love them. 

We hurt Jesus.  We disappoint him with our behavior and choices. But He loves us with a love that never ends. He would do anything for us.... even die.  Would you die for someone you love?  Of course you would.  Would you die for someone you dislike? Is Christs' love living in you?

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