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Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm sorry... I was wrong... again. Forgive me!

1 Corinthians 10:13

Today is my dad's birthday... he would have turned 88 today. All of us agree the verse above was my dad.  I need to strive to be that way... to please my God above else.

I have been feeling kind of ashamed of myself since yesterday. I ranted on my blog about being ignored by my family.... my kids.  About how much it hurts.  Which is all true.  I always wanted a closer relationship with them and they are so hot and cold with me and I find myself questioning what I did to make them this way to me. Part of me wants to turn away from them, put up my wall so I won't hurt. I feel like I give so much and get nothing back.

The problem with this thought process... it is all about me.  Not good.  This was my devotion today.  I have refocused before and will try again!!!
Love does not focus on me, but on others. Each of these qualities of love is based upon an affectionate, compassionate, and forgiving attitude that regards others of value and not just self. No wonder the old saying goes "The middle of sIn is a big I!"
Holy God and Sacrificial Father, teach me to notice others and value them just as you do. I know you loved me when I was not lovable, and redeemed me when I was not worthy. Help me to take my eyes off myself and see others as you see them. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.


  1. This is so easy. But we don't realize it is when we're caught up in the act. I've been asking myself if what I think about others is judging them. that's pretty much what I've been living off of the past few months. But ya know what, I just have to memorize this verse. Instead of judging being the question, loving is more like it. And my friend, Vicky, the one who's been having a hard month so far, I've been leading her wrongly with the whole judgement thing. I think I'll start asking myself if what I'm doing is Loving on this person. :) great devotional, Mam!

  2. Thanks Andrew! It's hard not to point out a persons sin. Papa always said when you are pointing a finger at someone you have 3 pointing back at you! I jump to conclusions... a lot! ;O
    But you know that. I think you're on the right track with Vicky... a little love might go further. I love you!!! xoxo
