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May God Bless you and your

Saturday, February 19, 2011

God is ALWAYS thinking about us!

Charles Spurgeon once wrote: God is always thinking about us, never turns aside His mind from us, and always has us before His eyes. This is precisely what we want and need, because it would be dreadful to exist for a moment beyond the observation of our heavenly Father.
His thoughts are always tender, loving, wise, sensible, and far-reaching. And He will always think about them, and this will result in their final perseverance by which they will be brought safely to their final rest.
In all our wanderings the watchful glance of the Eternal Watcher is always fixed on us, and we never roam beyond the Shepherd’s eye. In our sorrows He observes us incessantly, and no painful moment escapes Him. In our trials He perceives all our weariness. Not a nerve or tissue, valve or vessel, of our bodily organization is uncared for. All the little ones of our world are in the thoughts of the great God.
Is this precious to you? Then hold to it. Never be led astray by those philosophic fools who preach about an impersonal God (deism) or talk of self-existent, self-governing matter (naturalism). The Lord lives and thinks about us, this is a truth far too precious for us to ever abandon.
Catching the attention of an important person is valued so highly that those who have it counts their blessings. But if that is so, how much more valuable is it to be constantly in the thoughts of the King of kings! If the Lord’s thoughts are on me, all is well, and we may rejoice evermore.
Personally this causes me such comfort. He watches me and loves me much more than I can grasp!  He also watches when I fall... which causes me sadness, embarrassment and guilt. I am thankful He is loves me, helps me up, and forgives!!!! Arent' you?

“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!” Psalm 139:17

1 comment:

  1. I'm really thankful that God watches me. That he knows where to correct me at. But it's just so....I don't know what the word for it is, but it's like, I can't grasp that He is constantly watching me. That He's always noticing me. I want people on earth to notice me, and some do, but when I hear that God notices me, it's like, "Oh. Okay. I'm glad he does. That's cool." I can't let go of that.
