I created a place where I can share my thoughts about the Lord, my Savior, and His Word! I would love your input, thoughts, and prayer requests! I will definitely pray!!!
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May God Bless you and your

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What will last?

When it is all said and done... what is going to stand the test of time?  We spend so much time and energy stressing over everything.... usually things we have no control over. I've spent the past couple years doing that.  We fret over what "might have been". We live in a "woulda-coulda-shoulda" world and sometimes miss what really lasts.
God's Word is our guideline for life and it is eternal. It will last forever. Through His Word we can know Him!  We read of His faithfulness and love for us and His people!
The bottom line is all the things we spend so much emotional energy on will one day end. God's Word will never end. It is forever. We can learn so much from His Word. All we need to know!
Look forward.... look in God's Word today! See what He has to say to you. Learn about His love, faithfulness, and presence with Us forever.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT post. Yes. the woulda coulda shoulda moments....they can DRAG YOU DOWN!!! ...and really why do we do it??? I always think ~ isn't it because I think I had some amount of control over the situation? I could have made a difference... In his book The Knowledge of the Holy, A. W. Tozer wrote, "The low view of God entertained almost universally among Christians is the cause of a hundred lesser evils among us."
    I personally believe that we entertain thoughts of what "coulda been" different because we just don't wrap our heads around the thought that GOD is totally in control, and we need to understand (try) that He is directing all things, even through our mistakes (which HE knew ahead of time we were GOING TO DO!) since God already knows our life story from beginning to end. ..sigh...
    Tozer summed it up, "The most important thing you think is what you think about God."

    THAT is what will last...the fact that I believe God IS totally all powerful, all knowing, everywhere present, and ALWAYS working out HIS plan for me, even when I unknowingly get in the way...He still intervenes and works for my good, because I know in my heart HE LOVES ME! Thanks for a super post Joyce. Makes me think about God and WHO HE IS... xoxo
