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May God Bless you and your

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Don't worry, be happy!

Is this you?????
Do you use a lot of energy on worry? To you fret about what might happen and mentally play out the scenarios of what might come if life takes you down various trails? Are you worrying about bills, health, family, things that you may have no control over???? Why? Will it help? Will it change a thing? It sure doesn't have power to add to the length of your life... in fact it may shorten it! And it will definitely detract from your quality of life!

Two wonderful gifts can help us through the stresses of life and they are absolutely free!
1. Prayer.... we can talk to God about our problems and worries. Give them to Him. Lay them at His feet.
2. Bible.... while it may not be free... reading it is! We have His Word to remind us of His presence and power!  Get into His Word and be reminded again.... sense His power and remember His promises!

So even when you can't make sense of what is happening... trust God's heart!!! He has a plan and He will see you through. :D

I am dedicating this one to one of my bff's.... a chronic worrier.  Be blessed... and stop worrying!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for thinking and praying for me and my worrying. It helps to know you are out there for me. This helped me as I know I need to get into the word more than I do. Love you.
