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May God Bless you and your

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rest.... just relax and rest!

God is the only place to put your trust. Sometimes do you doubt that? It's ok... but we need to use those times to remember how He has taken care of us in the past, how He took care of His people in Scripture.... time after time... even when they didn't obey Him or stay true to Him!
If you look at your past... you will see a thread of His faithfulness running through your life. Can you see a time where you wondered where He was.... but looking back His care is obvious? God is trustworthy. You can run to Him and hide in His love. You can trust Him to hold you up with those amazingly strong arms.... regardless of what comes into your life!  You can trust Him because He loves you!
I am looking at my bills this morning... wondering how to pay them and worse yet... next month! Lanny has no hours at Walmart and I won't have a job either. There is not enough to pay our bills! Have you ever found yourself here?  It should be a time to panic! All I can do is lay my hands on the bills and pray. I can trust Him to handle my worries and fears. He will guide me! He will hold me up! He has done it before.... and He will continue to do it! I thank God for holding me in His arms and letting me rest!

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