I created a place where I can share my thoughts about the Lord, my Savior, and His Word! I would love your input, thoughts, and prayer requests! I will definitely pray!!!
Go to the bottom of the post where it says "comments 0" or if we have any... click that. If you are not signed in you can post anonymously. It would be nice if you left your name at the end of your post if you like. :)
May God Bless you and your

Monday, January 31, 2011

Are you a control freak? Come on... admit it! Get help here!

Joanne... the lady I have been praying for that had a stroke a couple weeks ago... last year took a piece out of this book she was reading and I thought it would be a good devotion to share....

Control is one that seems to be for life. Though I am learning to let go. (Hmm...let go. That seems to be another recurring phrase lately.)
Anyway. Today's reading on control from this book is one I felt compelled to share with you.

Entrust your loved ones to Me (GOD). They are much safer with Me than in your clinging hands.
Sometimes you confuse loving others with rescuing them. When a loved one has a problem, you often feel responsible to come up with a solution. Then you plunge headlong into problem-solving mode, as if you're obligated to provide sound advice. I want to help you stop feeling responsible to fix people since that is My role--not yours.
It is My prerogative to bring about change in people's lives as I choose to do so. You can be part of the process, but remember that I am the Author and Director of the drama. You need to follow My script rather than creating your own. Do not usurp My role in people's lives, no matter how much you long to help them.
When you feel compelled to rescue a loved one, take a good look at the quality of your love. Learn from Me, because I have all authority in heaven and on earth: I could rescue or control anyone at will. Yet I intentionally created people with the capacity to choose good or evil. I wanted them to be free to love Me--or not. Love that has no choice is not real!
Subordinate your deficient, controlling love to My perfect, empowering Love. Prayerfully release your loved ones into My protective care. Restrain your urges to solves their problems. Instead, use your time and energy to listen to them and pray for them. Trust in My Love and My unsearchable wisdom. I can work changes in your loved ones' lives beyond anything you might ask or imagine. As you release these precious ones to Me, linger awhile in My unfailing love--for them and also for you.

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me." (Matthew 28:18)
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. (Psalm 143:8)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Age.... now we're getting touchy!

1 Corinthians 10:20
I do not want you to become sharers in demons
Christians have been questioning the reality of demonic influence in the church... and the world has charged into it with reckless abandon...as best seen in the popularity of the New Age Movement. People don't get it! They accept anything! There is a growing popularity of the supernatural and the increased visibility of Satanism. New Age mysticism, which gathered its greatest strength with the influx of Eastern religions in the 1960s, has been popularized by a host of celebrities in the 1980s. It's commonplace to hear channelers (mediums) on radio and TV talk shows boasting about their spirit guides (demons).

But the New Age Movement is not just a celebrity issue. New Age philosophy is making significant inroads into business, education and even religion across our nation. Recently students attended a conference where participants were involved in a meditation exercise. The leader challenged everyone to imagine a spirit guide coming alongside. The speaker concluded the exercise by saying, "Now invite your spirit guide to come in." Wow. The devil was giving altar calls just two blocks from Biola University!

Does the spread of New Age and the occult worry you or frighten you? It need not. In Christ you have every resource to drive awayl any threat of darkness in your life or family. Stand on the truth of His Word and walk in the light of your identity in Christ.

Prayer: Keep me alert today, Lord, to what the devil is attempting in my world so that I may tear down his strongholds with the weapons of the Spirit.

Friday, January 28, 2011

To be blunt..... Heaven or Hell?

One day some teachers of religious law and Pharisees came to Jesus and said, "Teacher, we want you to show us a miraculous sign to prove your authority." —Matthew 12:38

Sometimes we think that if we could do a miracle our friends would come to faith in Christ. We might be thinking, If I could just pray and this person was healed.... they would believe right there.  But you know what? That wouldn't convince them. Even though Jesus raised people from the dead and even after He was bodily raised from the dead and people saw Him with their own eyes... they still rejected Him.

The religious leaders went to Jesus one day and asked Jesus for a "miraculous sign". They were basically saying, "Hey, do a trick for us, Jesus!" But Jesus told them, "Only an evil, adulterous generation would demand a miraculous sign; but the only sign I will give them is the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights" (Matthew 12:39-40).

What Jesus was telling them was "Here is my sign to a lost world: I am going to a cross. I will die, and I will rise again from the dead. You can accept that and be forgiven, or you can reject that and not be forgiven. So that is your choice."

And that is our choice as well. What will you do with Jesus? To accept in faith what Jesus has done for you and be forgiven .... you just have to pray these words and you will be written in the book of Life! Question is Heaven or hell?
"God, I know I'm a sinner. I know I'm not perfect. But I want You to come into me life. Be my God for the rest of my life. I turn from my sin now. Help me to stay with you all the days of my life. In Jesus' name, Amen"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What most often distracts you or tempts you to stray from the straight path?


“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
You can’t walk straight while blindfolded. You can try, and maybe succeed for a while... but soon  you’ll start to go slightly to one side or the other. It is a fact that people apparently go in circles when they can’t see a focal point... like a mountain top, a sun, a moon. Without it there’s something inside us that won’t stay straight. That is why Joel told Dylan on his cell phone to focus on something when him and Jordy were lost in the woods.

Have you ever heard the saying: the line between truth and error is as thin as a razor but as hard as a diamond.?  The trouble is that it’s often hard to see the line. How do I know if I’ve stepped to the side? There are so many competing messages in our world. Despite faithful and well-intentioned devotional reading and prayer in the morning, by the time you complete your day.... you may have been bombarded with hundreds of distractions.
Paul asked the Galatian church: “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?” (Galatians 5:7)

The only way to keep going along the straight path is for us to “fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). We are not saved by our ability to keep ourselves on the straight path. Jesus is the author (the source, or cause) of our faith... and also the perfecter (the completer or finisher) of our faith. He is not only Holy God and our Lord and Savior.... Jesus is the model of our faith. Only by keeping our eyes on Him and trusting in Him will we stay on the straight path.
should be asking ourselves: “Is this the most loving, God-honoring choice I could make?” 

Fix your eyes on Jesus, and He will guide your steps so that you will finish the race and be able to say along with Paul “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (1 Timothy 4:7)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why people reject Jesus!

The Pharisees rejected Jesus because it interfered with the way they wanted to live. And that is why people reject Him today. Jesus said, "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed" (John 3:19-20).

People don't reject Jesus because they have carefully examined the evidence and have determined that it is not convincing enough.

They don't reject Him because they have read through the Scriptures and have found some apparent contradiction.

They don't reject Him because of the so-called hypocrisy of some in the church.

They reject Him because He interferes with the way they want to live. 

-Greg Laurie

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Give Them All To Jesus" By Candy Hemphill Christmas


Rest.... just relax and rest!

God is the only place to put your trust. Sometimes do you doubt that? It's ok... but we need to use those times to remember how He has taken care of us in the past, how He took care of His people in Scripture.... time after time... even when they didn't obey Him or stay true to Him!
If you look at your past... you will see a thread of His faithfulness running through your life. Can you see a time where you wondered where He was.... but looking back His care is obvious? God is trustworthy. You can run to Him and hide in His love. You can trust Him to hold you up with those amazingly strong arms.... regardless of what comes into your life!  You can trust Him because He loves you!
I am looking at my bills this morning... wondering how to pay them and worse yet... next month! Lanny has no hours at Walmart and I won't have a job either. There is not enough to pay our bills! Have you ever found yourself here?  It should be a time to panic! All I can do is lay my hands on the bills and pray. I can trust Him to handle my worries and fears. He will guide me! He will hold me up! He has done it before.... and He will continue to do it! I thank God for holding me in His arms and letting me rest!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Satan and sin have not died!

DEAD TO SIN Romans 6:11, 12

Sin is living our lives independently of God. It's the result of being deceived by Satan to believe that our meaning and purpose in life can be achieved apart from a personal relationship with, and obedience to, the Creator of life (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20; 1 John 5:12).

Satan is at the heart of all sin (1 John 3:8). He deceives people into believing a lie and counsels them to rebel against God.

When you received Christ you died to sin and its power to dominate you was broken. Satan and sin have not died; they are still strong and appealing. But you no longer have to sin because you are dead to sin!!!  You are alive... but alive to God in Christ (Romans 6:11).

You are not dead to sin because you consider it so; you consider it so because it is so. In Christ you have already died to sin.

Paul goes on to say that we are not to use our bodies as instruments of unrighteousness (verse 13). If we do, we allow sin to rule in our mortal bodies. For example, it is virtually impossible for someone to commit a sexual sin and not use his body as an instrument of unrighteousness, allowing sin to rule. Ask the Lord to reveal to your mind how you have wrongly used your body, especially sexually. Renounce that wrong use and then submit your body to God as a living sacrifice.

It is your responsibility not to let "sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey its lusts" (Romans 6:12).

Prayer: Loving Lord, I know that sin's power over me has been broken. Help me live today in the light of that truth by renouncing sin and submitting my body to You.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Surrender... have you done it or can you???

Can you imagine someone else controlling your life?  Giving absolute power over our life to another person would be a scary proposition. Accepting the Lord’s authority over us is fitting and right.
Can you give God authority over your life? Can you surrender all? Have you? Unconditionally?  There are many reasons people cannot do this.
One reason we tend to hold back is fear. What will God require of us? Can we do what He wants us to?
Another stumbling block is selfishness – we like having control over our own schedule and long – range plans.
A third obstacle is pride. We know what the Lord wants us to do, but can’t He see how that could hurt our reputation?
Many think they do not  need God. They can handle everything on their own without His help. They have everything under control.
What keeps you from abandoning yourself to the Lord Jesus and crying, “Please take total control over my life?”

Many do not even understand what unconditional surrender means. 
Giving all we have and all we are to Christ. It is a new identity.... in which we decrease and He increases. We first experience surrender in our attitude and then live it out in obedient action.
Placing no limit on what we are willing to do or become. This means we have: no restricted areas in our life where Jesus is not invited; nothing set aside for our own exclusive use; no place where we tell Him, “Hands off.” We make ourselves totally available to His will – whenever, wherever, and however He chooses.
Transferring ownership of our body, soul, and spirit to Christ. By doing so, we embrace as our own values the principles of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3 – 12), the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22 – 23), and suffering for Christ’s sake (1 Peter 4:13), and dying to self. (Galatians 2:20)

Which of the obstacles mentioned (fear, selfishness, pride) do you find has the most impact on your life? Do you think you surrendered to God but now see spots in your life that need work?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Are you a role model for your kids?

 How do you handle your anger? When you are wrong? Do you ask your children to forgive you? Are you teaching them to be humble or do they just see your pride and anger?
Your kids need to see how you handle failure even more than how you handle success. If you make a mistake, you need to own up to it and ask forgiveness if the situation calls for it. If you don't model how to deal with your own fleshly responses, how are they going to learn how to own up to their mistakes and resolve them biblically?

You never lose esteem in your child's eyes when you do what God requires you to do. You gain esteem because you are an honest person, and in the process you are modeling what they need to do when they blow it. Children need models, not critics. Modeling is what establishes our credibility to "bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4).

Prayer: Lord, help me model a life of obedience and honesty before my grand children and others who look to me as an example. And when I fail, give me grace to admit my mistakes and resolve my conflicts.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What is your attitude toward sin?

What is our moral compass? The Bible. Who gives us our laws? God!
Do you realize our attitude toward sin is more self-centered that God-centered????  Think about it. We have a way of categorizing sin....some is unacceptable and some we may tolerate a bit. We see it as huge sins (usually something we would NEVER do... like murder, homosexuality, adultery, witchcraft). Some "aren't so bad... maybe even tolerable" such as lying, drunkenness, envy, arrogance, anger, hatred, lust, watching unacceptable TV or movies, swearing, judging, gossiping, etc....and who's to say speeding (ignoring civil law) is not a serious sin to God? Isn't a sin a sin?  Are we willing to call a sin a "sin" not because it is little or big but because God's law forbids it? Sin grieves the heart of God... no matter how you categorize it!  Don't you know it is compromising on the "not so bad" issues that leads to greater downfall?  Why don't we take sin seriously?  Is God to be obeyed in some things or all things?

We cannot categorize sin if we want to live holy lives! God will not let us get away with that kind of attitude!  Can you look at sin as an offense against a holy God instead of a personal defeat only?  Will you decide to obey God in all areas of your life no matter how insignificant it may seem?

We told this story to our kids and it is one of our favorites:
Dad's Brownies
    A father of some teenage children had the family rule that they could not attend  R rated movies. His three teens wanted to see a particular popular movie that was playing at local theaters. It was rated R.
    The teens interviewed friends and even some members of their family's church to find out what was offensive in the movie. The teens made a list of pros and cons about the movie to use to convince their dad that they should be allowed to see it. The con's were that it contained ONLY 3 swear words, the ONLY violence was a building exploding (and you see that on TV all the time they said), and you actually did not "see" the couple in the movie having sex - it was just implied sex, off camera.  The pros were that it was a popular movie - a block buster.  Everyone was seeing it.  If the teens saw the movie then they would not feel left out when their friends discussed it. The movie contained a good story and plot. It had some great adventure and suspense in it. There were some fantastic special effects in this movie. The movie's stars were some of the most talented actors in Hollywood. It probably would be nominated for several awards.
    Many of the members of their Christian church had even seen the movie and said it wasn't "very bad".  Therefore, since there were more pros than cons the teens said they were asking their father to reconsider his position on just this ONE movie and let them have permission to go see it.
    The father looked at the list and thought for a few minutes. He said he could tell his children had spent some time and thought on this request. He asked if he could have a day to think about it before making his decision. The teens were thrilled thinking; "Now we've got him! Our argument is too good! Dad can't turn us down!"  So, they happily agreed to let him have a day to think about their request.
    The next evening the father called in his three teenagers, who were smiling smugly, into the living room. There on the coffee table he had a plate of brownies. The teens were puzzled. The father told his children he had thought about their request and had decided that if they would eat a brownie then he would let them go to the movie.  But just like the movie, the brownies had pros and cons.
    The pros were that they were made with the finest chocolate and other good ingredients. They had the added special effect of yummy walnuts in them. The brownies were moist and fresh with wonderful chocolate frosting on top. He had made these fantastic brownies using an award-winning recipe. And best of all, the brownies had been made lovingly by the hand of their own father.
    The brownies only had one con. The father had included a little bit of a special ingredient. The brownies also contained just a little bit of dog poop. But he had mixed the dough well - they probably would not even be able to taste the dog poop and he had baked it at 350 degrees so any bacteria or germs from the dog poop had probably been destroyed.
    Therefore, if any of his children could stand to eat the brownies which included just a "little bit of crap" and not be effected by it, then he knew they would also be able to see the movie with "just a little bit of smut" and not be effected.
    Of course, none of the teens would eat the brownies and the smug smiles had left their faces. Only Dad was smiling smugly as they left the room.
    Now when his teenagers ask permission to do something he is opposed to the father just asks, "Would you like me to whip up a batch of my special brownies?"

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Are you a product of your past or a child of God?

You're a child of God. You can't change or fix the past, but you can be free from it.

All of us have a number of hurtful, traumatic experiences in our past which have scarred us emotionally. You may have grown up with a physically, emotionally or sexually abusive parent. You may have been bullied. Been the child of divorced parents. Lost someone you love. Been wronged. Any number of traumatic, emotional events can clutter your soul with emotional baggage which seems to limit your maturity and block your freedom in Christ. You must move on. You will not forget, but let go of the experiences and lies that have controlled you your whole life.   Forgive those who have offended you. Accept that your life has not been perfect... people and things have altered it. Some things you could not control.  And remember they are not your identity! Your identity is a child of God.  He created you. He loves you like no other!
As a Christian, you are primarily the product of the work of Christ on the cross. You are literally a new creature in Christ. The "old you" is gone; the "new you" is here.
Prayer: Father, thank You for working all things for good in my life, even the effects of evil attacks meant for my harm and destruction.

What will last?

When it is all said and done... what is going to stand the test of time?  We spend so much time and energy stressing over everything.... usually things we have no control over. I've spent the past couple years doing that.  We fret over what "might have been". We live in a "woulda-coulda-shoulda" world and sometimes miss what really lasts.
God's Word is our guideline for life and it is eternal. It will last forever. Through His Word we can know Him!  We read of His faithfulness and love for us and His people!
The bottom line is all the things we spend so much emotional energy on will one day end. God's Word will never end. It is forever. We can learn so much from His Word. All we need to know!
Look forward.... look in God's Word today! See what He has to say to you. Learn about His love, faithfulness, and presence with Us forever.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My prayers for the Waag family

I am sad today. My friend, Teri Heins Waag, lost her 28 year old son, Aaron, to a terrible accident yesterday.  He worked with the family in their tree falling business. Aaron had been hoisted up by a boom crane, and was trying to reach the limb of a large fir tree when he fell about 50 feet. He was pronounced dead on the scene. I cannot imagine the pain Teri and John and the rest of the family are going through. I know she is a woman of strong faith.  She will have to be during this time. This is one of those times that we question God. I suppose that is natural. He was young, married with a daughter. Why God? He must have had His reasons we do not know.

Nothing happens to us that surprises God. He knows every detail and even more importantly... He walks beside us through our grief.  He is God... nothing and no one is more powerful than He. This is the only way I can imagine Teri dealing with this loss.
God's word....
Dear Father God,
I cannot even imagine what Teri, John, the brothers, his wife, his grandma Josie, Aunt Wendi and the rest of the family are going through. The grief would be beyond comprehension. But you are always there God. In the midst. Holding them up and comforting them.  Lord, I don't understand this. And You certainly don't have to explain Yourself. I just ask your glory appears. I ask You will show Yourself to this family in a mighty way. We will praise You through the storm.
In the name of Jesus our Lord,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Don't worry, be happy!

Is this you?????
Do you use a lot of energy on worry? To you fret about what might happen and mentally play out the scenarios of what might come if life takes you down various trails? Are you worrying about bills, health, family, things that you may have no control over???? Why? Will it help? Will it change a thing? It sure doesn't have power to add to the length of your life... in fact it may shorten it! And it will definitely detract from your quality of life!

Two wonderful gifts can help us through the stresses of life and they are absolutely free!
1. Prayer.... we can talk to God about our problems and worries. Give them to Him. Lay them at His feet.
2. Bible.... while it may not be free... reading it is! We have His Word to remind us of His presence and power!  Get into His Word and be reminded again.... sense His power and remember His promises!

So even when you can't make sense of what is happening... trust God's heart!!! He has a plan and He will see you through. :D

I am dedicating this one to one of my bff's.... a chronic worrier.  Be blessed... and stop worrying!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ain't got no time to read!!!!

I have so much respect and love for Greg Laurie! He is a pastor/evangelist who speaks the truth in such simple language. Sometimes I will post from his thoughts instead of mine when it really moves me! This one moved me... I always think I have no time to read... but have plenty of time to play on Facebook.  That's not right. lol!  This challenged and convicted me... hope it does you, too!
 God's blessings for your year! May you draw closer to Him!

Have you ever been really hungry? My stomach is like a clock. By 10:00 A.M., I am hungry for lunch. By 11:00, I know we are closing in. At 11:30, I am thinking that we will hopefully be eating any time now. And at 12:01, I will say to my wife, “I am starving to death.” In reality, I am not starving to death at all. But I am hungry.

How’s your spiritual appetite? You should be hungry for a daily helping of God’s Word just like you get hungry for food each and every day.

Sometimes, when we ignore our hunger, it will go away for a little while. But ignoring our appetite is not the best thing for our body. When the hunger comes back, it comes in full force, and we end up eating all of the readily-available junk food at our disposal.

In the same way, neglecting our spiritual food—daily Bible study—is not healthy, and if we don’t feed ourselves the good stuff, we will reach for spiritual junk food.

God gave us the desire to eat so that our bodies would have the energy we need to get through the day. In Scripture, King David declared God’s Word to be sweeter than honey (see Psalm 19:10), and Job said that he treasured God’s Word more than his necessary food (see Job 23:12).

So, as we begin a new year, I have a spiritual diet plan for you: Feed your appetite daily! And if you don’t have an appetite for the Word, develop one through daily reading and study of the Bible.

To help you get on track, or stay on track, with daily Bible reading, I offer a link to read through the Bible in each of my daily devotions, or you can get the daily readings on your iPhone/iPad/Android by using the Harvest app.

The plan we are using this year (2011) is provided by Life Journal and allows you to read through the Old Testament once, and the New Testament twice, in the course of one year.

I challenge you to track along with so many others through this Bible-reading plan. Wishing you a happy New Year.